women's health: Every day their workout is on the wire… You stop… Breathe… Live a little… While juggling many responsibilities like family responsibilities, child rearing, career, women ignore their health. Are. Women have to face many types of physical and mental diseases at every turn of life. First menstruation, then menopause, there are many changes in the lives of women. It is said that early onset of menopause is also not good. Because due to menstruation, toxic substances always come out from the women's body. But it is also not advisable to delay menopause too much. In such a situation, you may have to face serious consequences. New research has shown that women who go through menopause after the age of 45 have a higher risk of developing asthma. An earlier study had found that early menopause increases the risk of heart disease in women, but this time another revelation has been made about late menopause. Learn all about research.
Where has the research been done?
The research was conducted by Dermaloc Kesby of York University in Toronto. The same team discovered the serious consequences of early menopause last year. In this new research, they have expressed the possibility of increased risk of asthma in women due to late menopause. In the research they found that 55 year old women were 66% more likely to have asthma than 44 year old women. For this research they tested about 14,000 women. Additionally, the risk of asthma increases by 63% in women taking hormone therapy.
Some of the major causes of asthma after menopause are-
- obesity
- hormonal imbalance
- Tension
- lack of sleep
- Any pre-existing disease like diabetes or BP
How to prevent asthma?
Researchers have suggested some measures to prevent asthma after menopause, including weight control, hormonal balance, doing some breathing exercises, maintaining clean indoor air quality, avoiding stress, and getting adequate sleep and hydration. Moreover, women are advised to consult a doctor as soon as they reach menopause so that they can check their health and start timely treatment if any problem occurs.
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