Vinod Kambli Health Update: A few days ago, a video of former Indian cricketer and Sachin Tendulkar's friend Vinod Kambli went viral, in which he was unable to walk on his own. Now a new health update of Vinod Kambli has come out. So let us know what is the condition of Vinod Kambli, who was unable to walk on his feet a few days ago.
Now a new video has surfaced, in which Vinod Kambli himself is giving his health update. In the video, Kambli told that now he is fit and fine. Allegedly in the video, Vinod Kambli is meeting his school friend Ricky Couto and first class umpire Marcus Couto.
Kambli said in the video, “I am fine. I am alive by the grace of God. I am fit and fine.” He further joked, “I am ready to bat at number three. I will hit the spinners out of the ground like we used to do in Shivaji Park.”
After facing some health issues, the former Indian cricketer, #vinodkambli He is completely healthy and in good condition. His school mate Ricky Couto and first class umpire Marcus Couto spent 5 hours with him yesterday during which he was very happy and also talked to many other friends.
— Rameshwar Singh (@RSingh6969a) August 9, 2024
This video of Kambli is a relief for his fans. In the video that came out earlier, Kambli was seen completely helpless to walk. Some people took him from one place to another by giving him support. This video of Kambli went viral. After the video went viral, people also requested Sachin Tendulkar to help his friend Vinod Kambli.
Vinod Kambli needs immediate help. I sincerely hope someone from Indian cricket comes forward to help him. It is heartbreaking to see him in this
— Out Of Context Cricket (@GemsOfCricket) August 6, 2024
Played cricket for India from 1991 to 2000
Let us tell you that Vinod Kambli played international cricket for India from 1991 to 2000. During this time he played 17 Tests and 104 ODIs. In 21 Test innings, Kambli scored 1084 runs at an average of 54.20. Apart from this, in 97 ODI innings, he scored 2477 runs at an average of 32.59.
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