PM Modi to inaugurate new NCA Academy: Current BCCI secretary Jay Shah had announced a few weeks ago that a new National Cricket Academy (NCA) is going to open soon in Bengaluru, which will be equipped with world-class facilities. If sources are to be believed, the BCCI has called an annual meeting on September 29 and there is speculation that the new academy will also be inaugurated on the same day. But now the news is that the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is going to inaugurate the new NCA.
According to the Times of India, during the BCCI annual meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to inaugurate the NCA equipped with world-class facilities. In an interview a few days ago, Jai Shah seemed very excited about the new facilities at the NCA and said that this academy will also be open to Olympic athletes. Recently, questions were also being raised about VVS Laxman continuing as the NCA chairman, but Jai Shah had clarified that Laxman will continue as the president.
These facilities will be in the new NCA
In the month of August, Jai Shah had told through social media that a lot of facilities will be provided in the new NCA. There will be three international level cricket grounds inside it, 45 practice pitches have been made and indoor cricket pitches will also be available in it. An Olympic size swimming pool has been prepared and facilities related to sports science have also been made available.
Shah also said that the land for the new NCA was purchased in 2008 itself, but the previous BCCI officials did not take concrete steps towards it. Apart from this, Jai Shah also urged two-time Olympic medalist Neeraj Chopra to come to Bangalore and enjoy the new facilities in the academy.
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