Fine on Railways: The court has imposed a fine of Rs 15,000 on Railways for negligence. A passenger had complained that neither the AC nor the fans were running in the Gareeb Rath train during the journey. Due to this there was a shortage of air in the compartment. He had to endure the inconvenience of traveling in a stifling environment. In this case, the court ruled against South Central Railway and imposed a fine.
No relief received even after giving information
According to TOI report, petitioner KVS Appa Rao had alleged that he had informed the railway officials about the AC and fan not working. A letter was also written for compensation. But, no action was taken. On this, the District Consumer Forum said that this is clearly a case of negligence and lack of services. South Central Railway could not solve the electric problem. This caused inconvenience to the passenger. Therefore, Railways should pay Rs 15,000 as compensation to the petitioner.
Rao was traveling with his daughter
Appa Rao had set out on a journey from Visakhapatnam to Secunderabad with his daughter on April 5, 2023. He had booked two seats in Garib Rath train. According to Rao, the train left at 8.40 in the evening and after having dinner, he went to sleep at 10 o’clock. But, the AC and fans were switched off at night. When he informed the TTE about the matter, he assured that the problem would be resolved at Eluru station. But the train could not recover there. Then this problem could be resolved in the morning at Vijayawada station. Till then all the passengers continued to face problems.
He also filed RTI
Rao had also filed RTI. Through this they came to know that the diesel generators of the train were not working. Therefore the power supply of the AC plant was stopped. After this, he filed a case in the District Consumer Court of Hyderabad and demanded a fine.
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