Anushka Sharma on Virat Kohli cooking for the kids: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma returned to India on Wednesday in a very stylish manner. After returning to India, she attended an event in Mumbai, where she talked on many topics. During this, she also told how her husband Virat Kohli cooks food for his children. He does this so that he can pass on the dishes made by his mother to the next generation.
Anushka Sharma said, “We once decided in a discussion at home that if we don’t cook the food our mother cooks at home, our children will never know about this food. So sometimes I cook and sometimes my husband cooks. We try to prepare the dishes exactly the way our mother used to cook. I sometimes cheat in cooking by calling my mother, but you are teaching something good to your children.”
Virat-Anushka are in London for a long time
Let us tell you that Indian cricketer Virat Kohli, his wife and children, Akay and Vamika have been living in London for a long time. This has increased the hope that Virat-Anushka are going to shift to London permanently. On the one hand, Anushka has come to India at the moment, but Virat is still in London with Vamika and Akay. A few days ago, Virat was also seen walking on the streets of London.
When will Virat return to India?
India has to play a Test series against Bangladesh in the month of September, in which almost all the senior players of Team India can be seen playing. That means Virat Kohli can come back to India to play for this series. After that India has to play a three-match Test series against New Zealand. After that Virat will also go to Australia with the Indian team for the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.
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